Program Overview

The weekly psychodrama groups have been running for 10 years now and hundreds have participated in its  20+ cycles. The weekly psychodrama groups allow women and men to come together, ground themselves and explore deeply-buried experiences or challenges that are holding them back.

Over the course of 16 weeks, the power of the group allows participants to connect, transform and experience true inner healing. 

Ellipse 1-2

Upcoming Dates

The Men’s Program:
Location: Monsey 
When: 3 hour weekly groups, for 16 weeks
Maximum: 10 men 
Fee: $1,500
Register Now

Contact us for upcoming dates


Contact Us at 845.304.5583

The Weekly
Groups may be
right for you
Your relationship is caught in a cycle that you can’t seem to stop.
You’re carrying resentment and hurt about each other.
You have lost respect for your spouse.
Your spouse and yourself can’t agree on key issues.
Your past traumas are getting in the way of connection.
You are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You’ve been in couple’s therapy for a while but things haven’t really changed.
*The Intensive is not designed to treat primary addiction. Rather, it is a program for self-improvement & self-worth.